
The name Big Time Boys, is
an acronym for Black Individuals Giving Time, Investing
Money & Effort to Better Our Young Society
The name has given people different
opinions upon hearing it for the first time, but after taken the acronym into
consideration their opinions changed. The purpose of this organization is to focus on the
children living in inner city Miami. Steering them away from peer pressure and problems
that children of the nineties face day in and out. In today's society, so many negatives
are placed in the face of children. Big Time Boys, strive to be a light, to break through
the negative and offer a sense of hope, to a child's future.
Big Time Boys also hopes to change
the mind state of African-Americans. African-Americans, have lost or surrendered nine
things; lost a way life, and of culture; stopped speaking the language of Africans; and
have stopped behaving as African people behave; surrendered the names that had been past
down by African ancestors; African-Americans have a memory lost. Few of us can tell of
African-Americans without beginning it with slavery. African-Americans have also created
false memories. Not only have African-Americans created false memories of Africa, but have
adopted untrue memories of Europeans. African-Americans have lost our independent
production capacity. African-Americans don't even produce something as simple as a comb,
combs have to be purchase from Korea. African-Americans have lost control of themselves;
we do not control our educational process, or economical situation. Thereis no amount of
information alone which will correct all the problems, but a large part of what
African-Americans must do is get our memories back. If African-Americans have no memories,
they have no unity, and without unity there is no solidarity. Without solidarity,
African-Americans have lost political power and economical advantage.
If nothing else can be said of this
organization, we hope that it can be said that Big Time Boys are messengers with a mission
to spread knowledge. If BTB can be more productive and have more of an impact on the
history of civilization, with our knowledge that BTB has obtained. Then one day
African-Americans shall rise to a level that liberates them, along with other Africans.
Each messenger has a gift that is shared. Imhotep shared medicine, Hatshepsut shared
liberation, Allah shared love, Muhammed shared truth, Frederick Douglass shared equality,
Marcus Garvey shared economics, Martin Luther King shared justice. Big Time Boys hopes to
share knowledge to provide growth among African- Americans.
